Parking will be in Lot 4
Directions to Lot 4:
For GPS purposes, please use the address 10500 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia MD 21044, and follow the directions of signs and parking staff.
From points north / west: Take US-29 South; disregard signs for Merriweather/South Entrance Road. Take the exit for Broken Land Parkway West towards Town Center / Merriweather Post Pavilion. Stay in left lane and turn left at light onto Broken Land Parkway. Go straight through two lights, crossing over Little Patuxent Parkway, and make first right into parking garage. Please follow the directions of parking staff.
From points south: Take 29 North to Broken Land Parkway towards Town Center / Merriweather Post Pavilion. Go straight through two lights, crossing over Little Patuxent Parkway, and make first right into parking garage. Please follow the directions of parking staff.